Issues related to flood and its mitigation has been raised many times. Then again climate change should not be used as a shield always.
The flood prevention cost is actually shouldered to public funds such as tax collection. The delays and damage caused by it is also an additional burden. As tax payers we want to ensure proper implementation of the projects. Why the details of the projects to mitigate flood is still not made public?
Some suggestion that can be considered:
Revisit all flood mitigation projects that will be implemented. This is to ensure that the project is able to mitigate flood problem for a designed or longer period. Increase public participation in all implementation of mitigation projects.
Seize all hill developments and huge land clearing projects. The increase of non-permeable surface (surface that does not absorb rainwater) causes more surface runoff and eventually causes flood within short period of time.
Drainage for buildings and roads must be redesigned to current need. Developers must get relevant agencies approval before proceeding with the development. These agencies must also take responsibilities if there is failure in the approvals that they have granted when flood occurs.
River deepening must be done more frequently to enable the rivers to cater large quantities of water. More flood water retention pond should be made available in flood prone areas. Rainwater is also another wasted source of raw water for drinking water treatment. A long term plan in harvesting rainwater can reduce operational cost in treating drinking water and also can solve flood problem partially.
Prevent development in flood prone areas. This areas will be first to hit if there is sudden increase in rainfall intensity.
Let us place public fund to ensure best outcome and prevent floods from occurring or in worst case scenario minimize damage.